I’m that guy who will be there for you when no one else is.
I’m the guy who’s you’re last resort when your plans fizz.
You’re the girl I hopeless love
Your pain I can’t get enough of
You’re the girl who makes me fly
Your the one to pass me by
I’m the guy who’s been so hurt before
But that don’t stop me from hurtng some more
Doesnt matter how much I’m adored
Your the one who has me floored
I’m the one who wants to be numb
I’m the one who acts so dumb
You’re the one out having fun
Look me up when your done
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How can we hope to find a cure when all are healers are hurt themselves, mending wounds with diseased instruments.
We are all seeking salvation while secretly sleeping with the sick souls who slip by our secret shields.
A broken heart finds comfort in breaking others while longing to return to the same hurtful cage that tourchered it so. What creul lessons are to be learned by opposing the forces that protect us?
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I hunger for what I don’t have while being surrounded with everything I need.
I seek aproval from those who don’t know me while ignoring those that do.
I look past mountains of work to find something to do.
I lay around useless and complain I never have any time.
I will fix these problems tomorrow, I’m too comfortable today
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Feed my need to seed my soul.
One more piece to make me whole.
One more drop down an endless hole.
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